Friday, April 15, 2011
Nice blog entry from Peggy Leung: 有愛就有希望
Original entry can be found here.
「有愛就有希望」收錄在「赤道」樂隊的最新大碟「生色」。「赤道」在 80 年代冒起,是一班熱愛音樂的基督徒組合。當時被傳媒稱為俗世清流,「無言者」一曲,曾躍上流行榜頗高的位置。
「赤道」無聲無色了一段日子,原因是有幾位歌手移民,各自要在陌生的地方打拼,重新建立家園和生活。他們雖然分散各地(香港、澳洲和美國),但那顆「赤道」心,卻始終如一,今天終於傳來喜訊,「赤道」的新 CD 「生色」,剛在香港出版了!
這隻 新 CD 算得上是「跨國」合作,分散各國的四位歌手 (吳潔梅、楊淑貞、劉向榮、蔣忠漢) 親自策劃和監製,所以籌備的過程,很受考驗,少一點熱情、少一點耐性、少一點忍讓,都會爛尾。就憑著他們一份對音樂的信念和忠誠,排除了時空地域的障礙,赤道「生色」終於面世了。難得的,是好幾位參與這 CD 的一些創作人和音樂人,也是身居海外,這些「跨國」的能量和元素,無疑令 CD 更為生色。
赤道是我多年的好友,無論在音樂旅途和人生旋途,都一同交織了無數重要段落。今次,我為赤道填了兩首詞,其中一首「有愛就有希望」,是我挺喜愛的作品。在加拿大收到樂曲時,感受到有一份很濃的愛。我和作曲人鍾一匡雖然未曾會面,卻因為這首歌,交了朋友。歌手的演譯固然深情,而令歌曲更委綩情深的是大師 Eric Rigler 的愛爾蘭短哨 (Irish Whistle) 的配樂。 Eric Rigler 在 My Heart Will Go On 裡面的笛子聲 ,感動了很多人的心靈,這份靈氣,也迴盪在「有愛就有希望」裡面。
填這首詞,是昨年的事。記得執筆的時候,腦海湧起昨年一件接一件的災難,寫這首詞的時間,也很貼近香港的菲律賓人質事件。這些惡耗,令人心傷,也令很多人對生命感到無助。但同時,我又看見很多激勵人心的故事,看見一幕又一幕的人間濃情。因著說不盡的愛,讓如身處地獄的災民,現出了縷縷希望,於是寫了「有愛就有希望」。想不到,赤道 CD 出版的時候,日本剛經歷了世紀大地震,還引至核電輻射洩漏,災情嚴峻,遺患難以估計。世界都為日本人憂傷,為日本人流淚。
曲:鍾一匡 詞:梁碧君 編:褚鎮東 主唱:赤道
混亂的世代 驟變色風與雲
大地的呼喊 塵世間多折騰
像是多作弄 難去掌握明天
蒼天有淚痕 貧窮遍地傷透心
絕望的角落 見太多苦與愁
命運的顛簸 何處可得永恆
但願知意義 沉痛中現微光
風吹愛蔓延 溶化掉我的心
將眼淚抹乾 重見曙光 憑著愛
終於會扭轉 百般怨 用愛變得美甜
心裡是這光 靈裡的光 燃著愛
是祢讓我知道 能用熱愛療傷
心 除掉隔膜衝開界線
愛 常存懷抱月缺月圓
這一生 唯願愛護春風送暖
混亂的世代 要撇開苦與愁
命運雖顛簸 從愛中找永恆
願互相建立 憑愛闖開明天
漆黑有盡頭 雷雨後見青天
將眼淚抹乾 憐憫關心 神是愛
終於會扭轉 百般怨 用愛變得美甜
心裡是這歌 澎湃的歌 傳頌愛
沒有懼怕嗟怨 全力為愛燃燒
心 除掉隔膜衝開界線
愛 常存懷抱月缺月圓
這一生 唯願愛護春風送暖
無限熱暖人間 祝福串串
星 明亮燦爛光輝遠照
祢 同行陪我渡過浪潮
這一生 唯願愛護春風送暖
雷暴漸化晴天 光照遍
沒有懼怕嗟怨 是愛讓我重得溫暖
「有愛就有希望」收錄在「赤道」樂隊的最新大碟「生色」。「赤道」在 80 年代冒起,是一班熱愛音樂的基督徒組合。當時被傳媒稱為俗世清流,「無言者」一曲,曾躍上流行榜頗高的位置。
「赤道」無聲無色了一段日子,原因是有幾位歌手移民,各自要在陌生的地方打拼,重新建立家園和生活。他們雖然分散各地(香港、澳洲和美國),但那顆「赤道」心,卻始終如一,今天終於傳來喜訊,「赤道」的新 CD 「生色」,剛在香港出版了!
這隻 新 CD 算得上是「跨國」合作,分散各國的四位歌手 (吳潔梅、楊淑貞、劉向榮、蔣忠漢) 親自策劃和監製,所以籌備的過程,很受考驗,少一點熱情、少一點耐性、少一點忍讓,都會爛尾。就憑著他們一份對音樂的信念和忠誠,排除了時空地域的障礙,赤道「生色」終於面世了。難得的,是好幾位參與這 CD 的一些創作人和音樂人,也是身居海外,這些「跨國」的能量和元素,無疑令 CD 更為生色。
赤道是我多年的好友,無論在音樂旅途和人生旋途,都一同交織了無數重要段落。今次,我為赤道填了兩首詞,其中一首「有愛就有希望」,是我挺喜愛的作品。在加拿大收到樂曲時,感受到有一份很濃的愛。我和作曲人鍾一匡雖然未曾會面,卻因為這首歌,交了朋友。歌手的演譯固然深情,而令歌曲更委綩情深的是大師 Eric Rigler 的愛爾蘭短哨 (Irish Whistle) 的配樂。 Eric Rigler 在 My Heart Will Go On 裡面的笛子聲 ,感動了很多人的心靈,這份靈氣,也迴盪在「有愛就有希望」裡面。
填這首詞,是昨年的事。記得執筆的時候,腦海湧起昨年一件接一件的災難,寫這首詞的時間,也很貼近香港的菲律賓人質事件。這些惡耗,令人心傷,也令很多人對生命感到無助。但同時,我又看見很多激勵人心的故事,看見一幕又一幕的人間濃情。因著說不盡的愛,讓如身處地獄的災民,現出了縷縷希望,於是寫了「有愛就有希望」。想不到,赤道 CD 出版的時候,日本剛經歷了世紀大地震,還引至核電輻射洩漏,災情嚴峻,遺患難以估計。世界都為日本人憂傷,為日本人流淚。
曲:鍾一匡 詞:梁碧君 編:褚鎮東 主唱:赤道
混亂的世代 驟變色風與雲
大地的呼喊 塵世間多折騰
像是多作弄 難去掌握明天
蒼天有淚痕 貧窮遍地傷透心
絕望的角落 見太多苦與愁
命運的顛簸 何處可得永恆
但願知意義 沉痛中現微光
風吹愛蔓延 溶化掉我的心
將眼淚抹乾 重見曙光 憑著愛
終於會扭轉 百般怨 用愛變得美甜
心裡是這光 靈裡的光 燃著愛
是祢讓我知道 能用熱愛療傷
心 除掉隔膜衝開界線
愛 常存懷抱月缺月圓
這一生 唯願愛護春風送暖
混亂的世代 要撇開苦與愁
命運雖顛簸 從愛中找永恆
願互相建立 憑愛闖開明天
漆黑有盡頭 雷雨後見青天
將眼淚抹乾 憐憫關心 神是愛
終於會扭轉 百般怨 用愛變得美甜
心裡是這歌 澎湃的歌 傳頌愛
沒有懼怕嗟怨 全力為愛燃燒
心 除掉隔膜衝開界線
愛 常存懷抱月缺月圓
這一生 唯願愛護春風送暖
無限熱暖人間 祝福串串
星 明亮燦爛光輝遠照
祢 同行陪我渡過浪潮
這一生 唯願愛護春風送暖
雷暴漸化晴天 光照遍
沒有懼怕嗟怨 是愛讓我重得溫暖
Labels: Gospel, Henry Chung, 梁碧君, 赤道, 鍾一匡
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Gospel Hit MV of the month!
將心給我 - 陳芳榮 曾路得 鍾氏兄弟 MV
Composer: Ben Ng
Lyricist: Vivien Yung
Arranger: Jezrael Lucero/Chung Brothers
Electric Guitar: Peter Ng
Harmonica: Henry Chung
Organ: Bob Mocarsky
Piano: Jezrael Lucero
Upright Bass: Sylvain Gagnon
Drums: Anthony Fernandes
Gospel Choir: Howard McCrary, Larry Hammond, Jennifer Palor, Ela A. Alegre, Michelle Carrillo, Ginger Kwan
Labels: 1G Music, Chung Brothers, Gospel, Henry Chung, Howard McCrary, Peter Ng, Roger Chung, YouTube, 吳秉堅, 鍾一匡, 鍾一諾, 鍾氏兄弟
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
Henry Chung Music Production Credits
Live at Blues Alley - Clarence Turner Quintet
監製、口琴 (所有歌曲)
MEM專輯 - 群星
作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》
感謝每天 II 詩民歌集勵志篇 - 群星
作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》
Over the Rainbow - at17
口琴 《那年十七歲》
King of the Road - 黃耀明
口琴 《廣深公路》
盧冠廷 2050 演唱會 - 盧冠廷
口琴 《天鳥》、《Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door》
Love Hope 希望.愛 - 劉德華
口琴 《一晚長大》
Your Day, Your Way - 群星
作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》
鐘聲 - 鍾一匡 / 鍾一諾
作曲、填詞、編曲、監製、口琴 (所有歌曲)
After School - 李卓庭
口琴 《All is Fine》
Over the Rainbow: Blue - at17
口琴 《窮得只有愛》
楓戀蜜語 - 羅敏莊
囹聲 - 基督教牧愛會
Hymn To Love - 高晨維
口琴 《When You Say Nothin’ At All》
X-Over不可誇的可誇 - 吳秉堅
編曲、監製、口琴 《將心給我》/ 監製《親愛主》
一個不懂唱歌的天使 - 冼嘉儀
作曲、填詞、監製《誠心所願》/ 填詞、監製、口琴《當我相信》
生色 - 赤道
口琴 《這地方》、《逆境的背後》/ 作曲《有愛就有希望》
Recovered - 曾路得
監製 (所有歌曲) / 口琴《I’m Sorry》
Live at Blues Alley - Clarence Turner Quintet
監製、口琴 (所有歌曲)
MEM專輯 - 群星
作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》
感謝每天 II 詩民歌集勵志篇 - 群星
作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》
Over the Rainbow - at17
口琴 《那年十七歲》
King of the Road - 黃耀明
口琴 《廣深公路》
盧冠廷 2050 演唱會 - 盧冠廷
口琴 《天鳥》、《Knockin’ on Heaven’s Door》
Love Hope 希望.愛 - 劉德華
口琴 《一晚長大》
Your Day, Your Way - 群星
作曲、填詞 《愛的經典》
鐘聲 - 鍾一匡 / 鍾一諾
作曲、填詞、編曲、監製、口琴 (所有歌曲)
After School - 李卓庭
口琴 《All is Fine》
Over the Rainbow: Blue - at17
口琴 《窮得只有愛》
楓戀蜜語 - 羅敏莊
囹聲 - 基督教牧愛會
Hymn To Love - 高晨維
口琴 《When You Say Nothin’ At All》
X-Over不可誇的可誇 - 吳秉堅
編曲、監製、口琴 《將心給我》/ 監製《親愛主》
一個不懂唱歌的天使 - 冼嘉儀
作曲、填詞、監製《誠心所願》/ 填詞、監製、口琴《當我相信》
生色 - 赤道
口琴 《這地方》、《逆境的背後》/ 作曲《有愛就有希望》
Recovered - 曾路得
監製 (所有歌曲) / 口琴《I’m Sorry》
Labels: Henry Chung, 鍾一匡
Friday, April 01, 2011
I've learned to depend upon His words!!
Sometimes when a song hits you, it hits you! There's no rhyme or reason about it. I've had some reflections lately about humanity and religion and existence. It's very Woody Allen-esque indeed. I've come to realize there are still people out there who misunderstand Christians and Christianity. And there are Christians amongst the Christian circle who miss the point about Christianity. And there's a simple answer to all this - we're all human, and we don't know it all.
Some people are turned off by Christians because they think we, Christians, often impose our moral standards on those who are non-believers. We put certain values up high and we criticize those who can't follow. We label others as we label those amongst ourselves. It's all true! That comes down to the basic human condition that we'd like to play God. Of course, it's much easier to judge people than to look into our hearts and see the dirt inside.
So why should we divide between Christians and non-Christians and Gospel and secular songs? What's the point? A good song is a good song, no matter Gospel or not, no matter what kind of message it delivers. Why do people often judge our songs from a religious/secular perspective and not look at it from an artistic point of view? Is the music arrangement good? Is there something in the song that touches you?
Andrae Crouch is my idol in that although he does Gospel songs, he does it in a secular, artful, tasteful way so that his messages do not only circulate amongst the Christian circle, but is spread to every corner of the society. He performs in the Billy Graham crusade but he's also in the background supporting Michael Jackson's strong message behind "Man in the Mirror." He's just oh-so versatile, soft, cuddly, and most of all, true to himself. He's the reason why the Gospel movement boomed in the 70's of USA.
When we look at the situation in HK, it's still in the sad state of affairs.But we never give up, we look to Andrae for his exemplary legacy and follow his footsteps!
This song, "Through it All," is a fine example of a universal praise song. It's got tears and joy, and so much soul! You'll like this and would like to sing along with it! The lyrics are deep and touching, and most of all, all of us have been through it:-
"but In My Lonely Hours,
yes, Those Precious Lonely Hours,
jesus Lets Me Know That I Was His Own"
i've Had Many Tears And Sorrows,
i've Had Questions For Tomorrow,
there's Been Times I Didn't Know Right From Wrong.
but In Every Situation,
god Gave Me Blessed Consulation,
that My Trials Come To Only Make Me Strong.
through It All,
through It All,
i've Learned To Trust In Jesus,
i've Learned To Trust In God.
through It All,
through It All,
i've Learned To Depend Upon His Word.
i've Been To Lots Of Places,
i've Seen A Lot Of Faces,
there's Been Times I Felt So All Alone.
but In My Lonely Hours,
yes, Those Precious Lonely Hours,
jesus Lets Me Know That I Was His Own
i Thank God For The Mountains,
and I Thank Him For The Valleys,
i Thank Him For The Storms He Brought Me Through.
for If I'd Never Had A Problem,
i Wouldn't Know God Could Solve Them,
i'd Never Know What Faith In God Could Do
Some people are turned off by Christians because they think we, Christians, often impose our moral standards on those who are non-believers. We put certain values up high and we criticize those who can't follow. We label others as we label those amongst ourselves. It's all true! That comes down to the basic human condition that we'd like to play God. Of course, it's much easier to judge people than to look into our hearts and see the dirt inside.
So why should we divide between Christians and non-Christians and Gospel and secular songs? What's the point? A good song is a good song, no matter Gospel or not, no matter what kind of message it delivers. Why do people often judge our songs from a religious/secular perspective and not look at it from an artistic point of view? Is the music arrangement good? Is there something in the song that touches you?
Andrae Crouch is my idol in that although he does Gospel songs, he does it in a secular, artful, tasteful way so that his messages do not only circulate amongst the Christian circle, but is spread to every corner of the society. He performs in the Billy Graham crusade but he's also in the background supporting Michael Jackson's strong message behind "Man in the Mirror." He's just oh-so versatile, soft, cuddly, and most of all, true to himself. He's the reason why the Gospel movement boomed in the 70's of USA.
When we look at the situation in HK, it's still in the sad state of affairs.But we never give up, we look to Andrae for his exemplary legacy and follow his footsteps!
This song, "Through it All," is a fine example of a universal praise song. It's got tears and joy, and so much soul! You'll like this and would like to sing along with it! The lyrics are deep and touching, and most of all, all of us have been through it:-
"but In My Lonely Hours,
yes, Those Precious Lonely Hours,
jesus Lets Me Know That I Was His Own"
i've Had Many Tears And Sorrows,
i've Had Questions For Tomorrow,
there's Been Times I Didn't Know Right From Wrong.
but In Every Situation,
god Gave Me Blessed Consulation,
that My Trials Come To Only Make Me Strong.
through It All,
through It All,
i've Learned To Trust In Jesus,
i've Learned To Trust In God.
through It All,
through It All,
i've Learned To Depend Upon His Word.
i've Been To Lots Of Places,
i've Seen A Lot Of Faces,
there's Been Times I Felt So All Alone.
but In My Lonely Hours,
yes, Those Precious Lonely Hours,
jesus Lets Me Know That I Was His Own
i Thank God For The Mountains,
and I Thank Him For The Valleys,
i Thank Him For The Storms He Brought Me Through.
for If I'd Never Had A Problem,
i Wouldn't Know God Could Solve Them,
i'd Never Know What Faith In God Could Do
Labels: Andrae Crouch, Gospel, Through It All
