Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Found another Chinese article about me....

They just keep coming. This one is from "Catman."

"很多人認為聽爵士樂(Jazz)或藍調(Blues)是很"另類",甚至很"扮嘢",就正如說自己喜歡Classical Music一樣高檔.

現在很多中.小學校都有管弦樂團,所以很多青少年很早便有機會接觸Classical music,甚至Swing等.其實在香港,聽Jazz和Blues的人也越來越多,當中有很多也是學生.這真是要多謝一班本港業餘/全職樂手(Jazz,Blues),因他們演出的地點除了高級會所和酒吧外,也會選擇在Fringe Club和Kubric,使這類音樂更普及化.

其實當知道藍調音樂是起源於美國黑奴,便知道這根本是平民和窮人的音樂,又何來"高擋"(本人絕無貶低黑奴,黑人之意).而爵士樂源自藍調,也是黑人和窮人的音樂.况且很多外國歌手和Band都受到了Blues的影響,在很多作品中都帶有Blues的味道.最較人熟識的有Eric Clapton, Cream, Led Zeppelin, The Rolling Stones和Janis Joplin等.

若有興趣,不妨於10月12號晚10:30pm到Fringe Club,又或者於11月2號晚10:00pm到Kubric,到時將有Henry Chung & the HK Blues Allstars演出.順帶一提,這班本地樂手(業餘/全職)中怱猛人,就以Henry Chung為例,日間是律師的他被喻為美國華盛頓最Top的Blues樂手之一,在港更與首席Blues Harmonica 樂手William Tang(現已回英國發展)齊名.


Original post can be found here.

This is getting more and more encouraging.

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Saturday, October 20, 2007


Thanks Cherry!

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Wednesday, October 17, 2007

The boogie woogie child

Talkin' about a real genius. Here's one: Frank "Sugar Chile" Robinson


After School Blues + clip with Count Basie

Does anybody what's happened to "Sugar Chile" now?

And this photo:

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Thursday, October 11, 2007

Words of praise

A premature preview of the show at Kubrick Cafe on November 2.

This may be my first Chinese biography. Thanks to Cleo and the translator for the kind words:

"Henry Chung 自2006年九月回港後音七場表演皆以迅雷不及掩耳的情況售罄,瞬間成為香港首屈一指的藍調口琴手及樂團指揮,華盛頓時報也讚許他是華盛頓藍調和爵士樂界其中一位最佳樂手。未回港前,Henry Chung在美國是Bob Margolin (Muddy Waters 主音結他手)領導的All Star Revue樂隊的成員,亦先後與格林美榮譽大獎得主Pinetop Perkins、格林美獎得主 Joe Louis Walker、Tab Benoit及藍調大獎候選人 Deanna Bogart 和 Big Joe Maher 一起表演。另外,他也是Clarence Turner Blues Band及 Jesse James Johnson (Bo Diddley 的低音結他手) & The Raiders的成員。

Henry Chung 回港後,曾在Innonation與加拿大女歌手Genevieve Marentette及在Grappa’s Cellar 與藍調大獎候選人Mitch Woods一起表演,亦在藝穗會和Grappa’s Cellar跟自己的樂隊完成多場爆滿表演。今次在Kubrick書店表演,Henry Chung將會與結他手及主音Vincent Lam、低音色士風Tom Nunan、鋼琴師Jason Cheng、低音結他手Ah Hong及鼓手Johnny Abraham現身。"

You can buy tickets here now!

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Friday, October 05, 2007

Half time report

Shit, I just realized I haven't written in a month. Question is, has anything happened in my life that's worth mentioning?

The short answer is "No," because I've been working my ass off at my new job. I am enjoying it, surprisingly, and I look forward to going to work every day.

On the other hand, the complicated would be "Yes." Lots of things have happened, incrementally, piecemeal, and unexpectedly. Many people claim the saying "Life is But a Dream" is cliche, but that cannot be further from the truth. To live in meaningful life, I simply trust that you can't do a 9 to 5 job. But most people work 9 to 10 these days.

So I've been good, calm, and peaceful. I still don't know much about life, but I know I am true to everyone.

I need more time to sleep, exercise, and listen to music. I haven't actively listened to music, so I need a time for me to sit down and quietly reprise some old tunes that I used to like.

Any suggestions?


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