Wednesday, November 24, 2004

It's imperative to give thanks

I wonder if anybody still reads this blog. As evidenced by the gradual decline of the number of comments and a general lack of interest, I wonder if I should close this down for a little awhile, and maybe gather some novel momentum. So if you read this blog, please leave a comment and say you do. If you don't, just write me and say, "I think you're a scumbag and you should shut the hell up." I'll evaluate the responses and make a sensible decision.

My sympathy goes out to James Wong, a Hong Kong composer and lyricist whom I have admired, who passed away last night. He wrote many masterpieces in the 80's and 90's that documented the history and change in Hong Kong. Mr. Wong's talents were unmatched because he wrote his songs from the heart. He was as poetic as he was real. We'll miss you, James.

There are a couple of things to look forward to in the upcoming winter season: Starbucks' peppermint mocha, the Charlie Brown Christmas DVD, Clay Aiken's Christmas CD (just to get your attention), playing some high profile gigs, going to LA for a non-white Christmas, sitting in with Ed at his open mic. Not bad, huh?

Music-wise, there's always George Winston's December on standby in the glove compartment. But the Vince Guaraldi mood is about to hit soon. What's more joyful than putting on "O Tanenbaum" and swing along with the tight rhythm section. I kind of see life as a swinging trio. the bass and drums are the heartbeat and the tinkling piano on top is our volitional everyday behavior. Whether it swings or not really depends on our panache, and whether we can finish certain tasks in an artful form. This girl says exploring galleries all day is her "true fucking love." Amen.

Trying to find a good quote from A Charlie Brown Christmas, how 'bout this one:
Charlie Brown: Rats. Nobody sent me a Christmas card today. I almost wish there weren't a holiday season. I know nobody likes me. Why do we have to have a holiday season to emphasize it?

Good grief!

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