Tuesday, June 08, 2004

What do Natalie Portman and John Kerry have in common?

Steve Cohen sent me this hilarious e-mail invitation today:

Great news! The Kerry Campaign and the Clinton folks decided to make this a more inclusive event, so they have drastically reduced ticket prices (and changed the time). Rather than have us all waiting for President Clinton to leave the dinner he will be attending, his people have decided to have him come speak to us before that event. So the event is now at 6:00 p.m. He is expected to speak around 6:30 or shortly thereafter. The VIP event will be at 6pm. In addition to having Natalie Portman at that event, there is a limited chance that Clinton will stop by that reception (NO PROMISES), and -- perhaps most important -- the line to get in will be much shorter. Second, ticket prices are now $50 in advance by Sunday, otherwise $75 at the door. The VIP reception with Natalie Portman is now $150. Those of you who already gave $150, please let me know and I will ensure that you are "upgraded" to the VIP list.

OK, reading between the lines, it seems like Natalie Portman draws better than Bill Clinton, granted that she is after all, Queen Amidala, an important Senator in the galaxy far, far away. If you want to see or talk to Natalie, you pay $150, which is $75 more than just meeting ex-President Clinton. I think it's really a bargain because how many times do you get to meet a celebrity? And for such a good cause (i.e. boosting John Kerry's candidacy)? I'd pay $200 if I were rich. After all, I did pay $75 to see Prince at MCI Center in August.

There's a price for everything. Welcome to the capitalistic world!

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