Sunday, June 13, 2004

More on Ray Charles, MIA, life and Paris reunion

The MIA continues. It seems like everybody is doing pretty good and in a good mood, perhaps because it's summertime. Ed sent me a tiny missive informing that he's back in the USA and he has a new cell number. Somewhat surprisingly, Dawn sent me this lengthy (which I like) and long overdue e-mail outlining her recent activities, including her return to Charleston, SC, and digging the lifestyle because everyone's so laidback there, albeit somewhat unintelligent. I have to add, DC has some intelligent people but they're not too exciting (more about that later). At the end of her e-mail, she asks, "I'm looking for Utopia. Do you know where it is?" Being a smartass that I sometimes am, I am almost tempted to reply, "It's on U Street." However, I do know it's not in Jamaica, unless you're stoned all the time.

Guess what? Alex's in town and we hung out Saturday night. People who know me know that the summer of 2001 was one of my favorite periods because of the tremendous time I spent in Paris. In a state of mellowness and drunkenness, Munish and Alex were ready to re-live those moments in Paris: study by day, play by night, Jack & coke on the rooftop deck of the foyer, etc. I've never seen Munish so naturally high before; he was happy. Greg, Raj, and Hugh joined the group too, starting from Munish's pool to rooftop deck to his apartment room, then proceeding to the overrated Leftbank at Adams Morgan. Raj was smooth with the ladies, while Munish and Alex would be periodically missing for 15 or 30-minute intervals. It was good to see Alex again, and it was a great Paris reunion.

Still planning my NY trip this weekend. I've managed to pin down a dinner meeting with some family friends I haven't seen in two to three years in a Japanese restaurant that they own in NYC. Also meeting some dear friends in midtown in the afternoons of Saturday and Sunday.

My brother joked that we should get a day off to mourn Ray Charles, too. Good point. Ray Charles remains one of the most influential figures in shaping my own music. He represents soul, blues, jazz, funk, country, all in one. My father introduced me to Ray when I was about 13 by playing "I Can't Stop Loving You." His album Modern Sounds in Country and Western Music was a groundbreaking statement in music history, opening the door for more tolerance and improvisation and getting me hooked to "You Don't Know Me." After that, it was history. Besides Ray Charles, I've been listening to some of the old 50's Doo Wop songs like "Daddy's Home" that are utterly incredible. I love black people.

Georgia, Georgia, a song of you
Comes as sweet and clear
As moonlight through the pines

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