Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Smart, sexy, single yuppies united

I've been invited to attend an Ivy League single mixer at Childe Harold on April 29. First, I wonder whether I should go. Aside from the extravagant $30 cover charge, there's a chance that these people aren't gonna be attractive. Stephanie told me that last time she went, it was mostly old people. How many people are actually both intelligent and good-looking in the real world? I mean really... Second, why single out Ivy Leaguers? Alright, if you want to be elitist, why not just have the eight Ivy League schools participate? Why throw in wannabe's like MIT, Chicago, and Stanford?

As a Cornell graduate, I hereby advocate an Ivy League single mixer group that consists of ONLY Ivy League graduates under the age of 30. Participants must be able to recite the Ten Commandments and the first 10 Amendments of the U.S. Constitution. They must know which President corresponds to which dollar bill. They must also have their own theory of who killed Kennedy. Flip-flops optional. Oh, and there will be no cover charge. Sounds like a winner?

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